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Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron Watercolor 20 x 16 $450 This Great Blue Heron is stalking the swamps.


Bobcat Watercolor 12 x 16 $ 250 Bobcats are are a medium sized cat with a distinctive 6" or so "bobbed" tail. Their facial markings are distinctive also.

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher Watercolor 191/2 x 24" $ 500 An superior fisher he outdoes the human who left his bobber up in the tree!

Red Shouldered hawk

Red Shouldered hawk Watercolor 16 x 20 $450 SOLD This hawk is on the lookout for a meal.

Red Fox and woodcock

Red Fox and woodcock Watercolor 33x 26" $1000 A hungry fox is out for food. A woodcock cowers in the grasses.

Cardinal nest

Cardinal nest Watercolor 12x16" $300 A cardinal nested in our porch honeysuckle but the eggs did not hatch due to predation on parent.

Mr Redtail

Mr Redtail Watercolor 18 x24 $250

Raft of Eiders

Raft of Eiders Oil 24 x 30" $500 Eiders congregate off Rhode Island's shores in winter.

Baltimore Oriole and Grapes

Baltimore Oriole and Grapes Watercolor 12 x 16" $250 SOLD This was created in an homage to Audubon for a New England Society of Botanical Artists exhibit.

Oriole's nest

Oriole's nest Watercolor and colored pencil 16 x 20" $450 Comprised of sheep wool, hair and strips of feedbag this intricately woven nest tells a story.


Willet Ink 11 x 14" $150 This migratory shorebird returns to RI salt ponds annually

Lady crab

Lady crab Watercolor 12 x 16" $200

Grey screech owl

Grey phase screech owl Watercolor 12 x 16" $250 Screech owls come in two phases, red and grey both of which are great camouflage.

Flicker sketch

Flicker sketch Watercolor 12 x 16" $175 Flickers are woodpeckers that love ants most.

Horseshoe crab

Horseshoe crab Watercolor 16 x 20" $200 Horseshoe crabs eggs are important for birds in migration and their 'blood" is used in pharmaceuticals.

Swallow and nest

Barn Swallow and nest Watercolor 16 x 20 $250 Swallows flit in and out of old barns raising their brood in a mud nest.


Nuthatch Watercolor 4 x 6 " $100 Nuthatches forage upside down on bark looking for insects.

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